Last week, we looked at the main characters in The Power Club™. Now let’s meet some of the other
kids who live in the district:
kid in Damon’s class, Calvin has the ability to create “holes” in reality that
lead to alien dimensions. When he was very young, Calvin made a classmate named
Suzy Steele disappear into another dimension and couldn’t bring her back. Because
his power is so dangerous, Calvin is kept isolated and forced to attend special
classes. He is deeply jealous of other powered kids who get to play outside and
make friends. Calvin’s lack of socialization is reflected in his poor speaking
older than Damon, Rusty can drawn energy from the sun and release in destructive
solar bursts. Because Damon has the ability to create darkness, Rusty
sees Damon as his natural enemy and can’t wait to challenge him to a duel of
light versus dark.

ANDY—One of Damon’s
school friends. Andy’s freeze breath can freeze any object solid almost instantly.
Feeling his power is useless, Andy prefers to play
school friend of Damon’s. Aric wears thick glasses as his eyesight gets worse
every year. He compensates with radar
vision, which enables him to sense nearby objects in darkness or when his eyes are closed.
her name implies, Suzy had the power to create a nearly indestructible, steel-like
shell around her body. In second grade, she got into a fight with Calvin, who “sent
her away” by causing her to fall into another dimension. Calvin couldn’t bring
her back (or didn’t want to), and no one has seen her since.
Not every kid who lives in the district has powers. Because
the district wants powered kids to have a normal life, their immediate families—including
brothers and sisters—also must live in the district. These kids include:
younger brother. An inquisitive,
practical minded kid, “El” feels left out because he doesn’t have a
power, yet he resents the fact that he has to live in the district, too. Eldon
keeps hoping his brother will lose his power so they can move somewhere else.
These are a few of the characters who live in Damon’s
world. But the surface, as they say, has
barely been scratched.
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